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The Essential Guide to the IEB English Exam (12th Edition for 2024)

R395.00 inc. VAT

An easy-to-use, comprehensive combination of step-by-step analysis of both examination papers, extensive guidance on how to answer each question and focused sets of practice questions with suggested answers, the Guide includes everything needed to master the IEB English Home Language Papers I and II.

ISBN: 978-1-77634-574-8

Please note:

  1. We recommend you purchase both a printed and digital copy of this resource for studying convenience and efficiency.
  2. Digital book content is only accessible using our custom e-reader while online and cannot be downloaded and read offline.

Please note that model answers to the questions posed throughout our resources are available on a companion Suggested Answers booklet. The booklet is sold separately and will need to be added to your order as well. You can locate the relevant Suggested Answers booklet for this resource in the list of Related Products below, by visiting the main Products page or by using the Site Search function. The Suggested Answers are available in PDF format. Students/parents do not need to buy the Suggested Answers to resources that have been placed on the official book lists at schools. Teachers using our resources in the classroom will provide students with the Suggested Answers as necessary.

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What’s so special about this resource?

Keeping the same, successful format, the Eleventh Edition of this indispensable guide features completely updated content based on the IEB 2023 Grade 12 syllabus, including brand new mock examination papers and suggested answers on the companion CD*.

An easy-to-use, comprehensive combination of step-by-step analysis of both examination papers, extensive guidance on how to answer each question and focused sets of practice questions with suggested answers, the guide includes everything needed to master the IEB English Home Language Papers I and II.

This unique guide combines understanding with practice, using the following proven, three-step method:

  1. Understand
    First, each question is comprehensively deconstructed and explained. Students are provided with detailed notes on what kind of question will be asked, why it will be asked and what the examiners will be looking for in their responses.
  2. Apply
    Next, students are given the opportunity to apply this understanding by working through a guided practice question (very similar to the one they will face in the final examination) that has been extensively annotated to help them refine their approach and answers.
  3. Reinforce
    Students can then test and reinforce their skills by working through a practice question without assistance.

This step-by-step process is repeated for every question and both papers, enabling students to build a solid platform of understanding and familiarity quickly and methodically.

The marking memoranda provided on the companion Suggested Answers CD* will help them pinpoint their strengths and weaknesses and the CD also includes an additional complete IEB English Home Language mock examination (Papers I and II), with marking memoranda.

Note to educators: Given the rigours and condensed nature of Grade 12, it is worth starting to prepare students for the final examination and the actual process of being examined in Grade 11. Order the Essential Guide for your Grade 11 students today!

This comprehensive resource includes:
  • detailed analysis of the structures of both examination papers
  • comprehensive guide to answering each question in each paper
  • focused sets of practice questions with detailed, annotated suggested answers
  • concise reviews of the key concepts tested in the examination
  • expert tips and strategies for ensuring examination success
  • companion booklet* with suggested answers for the Guide, and an additional mock examination and suggested answers

* Booklet sold separately